I extend to you a wonderful greeting of joy this Pentecost weekend! This great feast is one in which we rejoice in the gift of the Holy Spirit. Through this great gift we are given all the graces and charisms needed to live the Christian life and spread the good news of Christ’s Resurrection.
As a gift to you this Pentecost weekend we have a book titled “Why I Love Being Catholic” by Matthew Kelly. This gift is a part of our efforts of a being a Dynamic Parish and I hope you enjoy it. We have received an incredible amount of positive feedback regarding our Dynamic Parish endeavors! Thank you to all who have participated in our programs.
This weekend Fr. John will be presenting our interior Church renovation plans. We will have a short video highlighting the changes playing on the TV in the gathering area. For those who are not able to join us in person this weekend please see our web page and other social media platforms. I want to thank Fr. John and his team for all the hard work they have put in and putting this project together. Our construction documents are at the 60% level and we hope to begin construction in July. This is an incredibly exciting project and one we will proudly share with the Diocese next June when we host the Eucharistic Congress.
This weekend we will begin distributing Holy Communion to those who are not able to attend the public Mass. We are asking families to come to the Historic Church parking lot on Sundays from 11:15a.m. to 11:45a.m. and remain in your car. We will have a Priest and/or Deacon there to distribute Communion.
I want to thank all those folks who have helped us with the new procedures in place for Masses. We are receiving great feedback on the resumption of public Masses and I want to thank everyone for following the requirement to wear a mask.