What are Mass Intentions? When a priest celebrates Mass, he offers each celebration of the Eucharist for a particular intention, effectually applying the grace of that Mass toward that intention. The Holy Sacrifice of Mass has immense spiritual value and is the most powerful form of prayer we have.
What can a Mass Intention be requested for?
A loved one who is deceased
A person who is sick or suffering
A living person celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or another special moment.
How can a Mass Intention be requested? All Mass intentions are requested in person at the front desk of the parish office (Cody Center) during normal our office hours. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. Mass Intention books open for request one month at a time, starting on the 7th day of the previous month.
Stipends for Mass Intentions The minimum suggested donation for a Mass offering is $10. This does not mean the grace of the Mass is being purchased, since that is not possible. This donation goes directly to the priest who is offering up the Mass to the intention requested. It is simply support given to the celebrant.
Who can schedule a Mass Intention? Any parishioner here at St. Joseph may request a Mass Intention, as long as they have been a member here for a minimum of six (6) months. Some exceptions apply, pertaining to the death of a loved one.
Is there a limit to the number of requests? Yes, a parishioner may request up to twenty (20) Mass Intentions in one calendar year. Of those twenty, up to five (5) may be for our Sunday Masses.