I would like to welcome all of you to Mass this weekend in the Cody Center. It is a big change for all of us and I am incredibly grateful to the Parish Staff and Liturgical Ministries for all they have done to make Liturgies available in the Cody Center.
This coming Sunday will be our last with Fr. John, who is beginning his Ph.D. program at Notre Dame in August. Fr. John has been a true blessing to all of us at the Parish. He will continue to collaborate on the Capital Campaign and interior renovations of the Church. There will be a small farewell reception for Fr. John following the noon Mass in the Cody Center this coming Sunday. I hope you can join us as we send him off. Please keep Fr. John in prayer as he begins this next chapter in his priesthood. He will be missed!
I want to thank Fr. Bernie for his willingness to celebrate a Vigil Mass on Saturdays at 4:30pm in the Historic Church. This Mass is open to all and begins Saturday, July 25th
This week we resumed Eucharistic Adoration in the Cody Center Chapel. The 8:00am daily Mass ends with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and procession to the Cody Center Chapel. At 11:45am Adoration concludes with Benediction. I am grateful for the adorers who have resumed the dedicated Holy Hour. Please join us in adoration as we all pray for an end to the pandemic.
This week Bishop Estevez released a statement on the support of Black and Native American Missions. A link to this letter is below and can also be found on our Parish webpage. I ask you to take a moment and read the Bishop’s message and discern how you can best support this important work of the Church.
Click here for a PDF of the Bishop's letter
Prep registration has begun. I ask you to please review the information that is located on our Parish webpage for details on this year’s program and how to register. I want to thank Mrs. Lourdes Flemming for all she has done to prepare a great program for our youth. I also want to thank the many volunteers who serve as teachers, aids, and traffic assistants. We could not do what we do without you!
Saint Joseph School is on track to open in August and currently has several options for students returning to school. I want to thank our School Principal, Robin Fecitt, the teachers, and office staff for all they have done to continue providing an excellent education for our children. Please see their announcement in this coming weekend’s bulletin and check out their new web page.
We are taking great steps to ensure the future of this wonderful Parish. I am indebted to all those who have taken leadership roles in our Capital Campaign as well as to all those who are continuing to support our Campaign through their generous donations. If you have not yet made a commitment to the Capital Campaign, I ask you to prayerfully consider one. When we all work together, we can accomplish great things. Our Campaign Pledge Jars are close to being full and with your support we can reach the goal of six million dollars. As the interior renovation of the Main Church unfolds please check our social media platforms for photos and updates!
Weekend Mass Schedule in the Tally Auditorium of the Cody Center Saturday: 5:30pm (Confession beginning at 4:30pm in the Ministry Room)
Sunday: 8:00am 10:00am, 12:00pm & 5:00pm
Sunday Mass in Albanian: 6:30pm
Historic Church Mass Schedule Saturday at 4:30 pm with Fr. Bernie (No confession)
Sunday Mass in Latin: 12:00 Noon
Sunday Mass in Spanish: 8:00am & 10am – Thursday Mass in Spanish: 7:00pm (Rosary at 6:30pm)
Sunday Mass in Portuguese: 6:00pm
Eucharistic Adoration Monday-Friday 8:30am - 11:45am in the Cody Center Chapel. (Benediction at 11:45am)
Private Prayer Monday-Friday 12:30pm – 5:00pm In the Tally Auditorium
Drive up Communion Outside distribution of Holy Communion will be available at the Main Church portico on Sundays from 11:00am-11:30am. Please line up on the Greenland Road side of the Main Church (covered driveway).
Live Steam Mass Schedule 4:30pm Saturday Vigil Mass with Fr. Bernie from the Historic Church
10:00am Sunday Mass from the Cody Center
Cody Center Parking Plan
Please take a moment and review the below parking plan for Mass at the Cody Center. There are several options around the Cody Center for parking, as well as space close to the Rectory and the School. We ask that you please use the designated crosswalk on Loretto Road if you choose to park at the School.
I want to thank all of you for your patience and support during this time of renovation and rebuilding for the future. May God continue to bless our Parish family!