In order to register to vote, you must be a U.S.citizen, a resident of Duval County and at least 18 years of age. For voter registration in Florida, there is no waiting period for the establishment of residency.
You may register in person Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. at the Supervisor of Elections Office, 105 East Monroe Street. You may also complete a voter registration application at any branch of the Jacksonville Public Library. For additional locations, registration forms or information on voter registration, email Jean Atkins or call 630-1414. If you are registering for the first time, you must register 29 days prior to the election. After you have registered you will receive a voter information card in the mail. If you are already registered but have moved, changed your name, changed party affiliation or need to update your signature, please call us for instructions.
To register to vote you must:
Where to register:
Online voter registration form:
You may complete a registration application form online and mail or return it to the Elections Office. You must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your system. A true online registration is not available because your original signature is required on your application. You must click "Proceed to Print" to generate the application.After completing and printing the application, please mail it to our office at 105 East Monroe St. Jacksonville, FL 32202.
Updating your registration record:
The Supervisor requests that you keep your voter information current. Name and party changes must be made by notifying the Supervisor of Elections Office by completing a registration application form online, or by other written means, provided the notice is signed and contains your date of birth or voter registration number. Address changes within the state may be made via the telephone or email. If you wish to update your signature you may download a .pdf form. This form may also be used for address, name, and party changes and to indicate that you require voting assistance at the polls. We cannot accept name and party changes over the telephone. You may update your record by: