As we believe Jesus’ Sacred Body and Blood to be substantially and truly present under the appearances of bread and wine, we owe our Lord every bit of our most profound respect and every token of worship due to God’s divinity, with which it is inseparably united. The Sacred Body of Jesus resides on the altars and in the tabernacles of God, not only occasionally, but continually, that He may never cease bestowing blessings on mankind and console us in all our necessities. The Most Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist therefore elicits our perpetual gratitude, just as it demands — without interruption — our thanksgiving, love, and homage.
To fulfil this duty is the object of our Association. Since none of us alone can fulfil the debt of perpetual adoration to God (on account of our sinfulness and our unavoidable occupations, cares, and general limitations of human life), we seek together with this Association to worship and honour Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, an act of each made the act of all, continually commending each member to the gracious mercy and protection of God. In so doing, our members not only enter into a closer union with Jesus Christ but also with the angels and saints and all holy persons throughout the world who likewise acknowledge, adore, and promote belief in the enduring true and real Presence of our Lord in the Eucharist.
This association is a private association of the faithful open to all baptized Catholics, and thus membership is open to clerics, people in consecrated life, and lay people, married and single.
After a discernment year, members must agree to: